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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Didn't I say I was going to take some time off this summer?

Happy sunny Sunday morning everyone!

Last week was incredibly busy as I started trying to get back to normal from all the travel, relatives visiting, etc. I did manage to get some blankets out to Benefis, though not as many as I would have like - I left the metal detector in Helena, and I don't feel comfortable giving out sewn blankets without using that to check them for pins first. I think in all the time I've been doing this I've found only 2 or 3... but it only takes one to hurt. So I have a stack of quilts ready to check, and then they'll be on their way out as well.

We got some more fabric donations... one relatively large bag, a couple more smaller ones. I'm not sure how best to inventory/sort the fabric. I'm looking for ideas in that department.

Oh!!! I picked up a couple of blankets at Big Sky Quilts, and one was the quilt Elva P started at our last Blanket Bee in May with the embroidered cat squares! It is adorable!

I started a Google Groups site for us. The PL coordinators use a Yahoo! groups page to ask questions, share ideas, etc. etc. I've been adding names to our group...but it may take me a while to get them all in there. I'm thinking I'll start off using it for something fun... a Mystery Quilt!

I haven't yet heard from anyone who would be willing to help at our demo day July 25 at the Helena Stampede (fair) from 11 to 5. I was just going to do this much like our 'routine' blanket making days, so please, if you are going to be around that day, consider coming in to help. The blankets we make in Helena go in large part to St Pete's Pediatrics and they have been tremendously appreciated.

I will start looking at days and times for our Blanket Bees this fall. We've been doing the first Saturday of the month, but it was suggested that the first Saturday may be busy and a different one may work better. Or perhaps you'd rather do an evening? Please, send a note and let me know.

Tons and tons of batting await us. I've still not heard from other coordinators, with the exception of one, interested in taking some so it appears we may have batting to last us a very, very long time.

That's it for now. Stayed tuned for more on the Mystery Quilt!!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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