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Friday, December 23, 2011

Perfect Timing

It is always amazing to me how much one little card can mean. With all the craziness of the holidays and work - there's always work - you can sometimes feel like there's nothing left of you. And then there is a card in the mail. A sweet little card written by a 5 year old, with 5 year old handwriting (and further translated by an adult), sending thanks for a blanket. And you're ready to go some more.

This card read... (in the 5 year old writing)
(Thank you for giving doctors. From Annabelle.)

The adult wrote it is meant to say...
Thank you for giving me the blanket when I had to go to the Doctor. Annabelle.

They added...
My daughter loves the blanket she received at the hospital! It was a little joy in a scary time for her. She wanted to send a thank you and as you can see she wrote it herself. Thank you again for your hard work on this gift!

And I want to add my most sincere Thanks! to all of you for helping to make this happen.
My warmest holiday wishes to you all!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Blue Pledge

Project Linus is officially kicking off our "BLUE PLEDGE" campaign!!! Going blue has never been so easy!

Our goal - $16,000 for 16 years of security, comfort and love!

We are going “BLUE” until our 16th birthday in December 2011. We're on a mission, with your help, to raise $16,000 and 16,000 followers on Facebook by our 16th birthday on December 24, 2011. In order to reach more children and to continue to make an impact on all of the lives a Project Linus blanket makes, we need your help!

Help spread the word, raise awareness and funds by taking the “BLUE PLEDGE.”

What is the Pledge?
By taking the “BLUE PLEDGE” you agree to:
  1. Make a minimum donation of $50
  2. Forward this challenge to your friends and encourage them to take the “BLUE PLEDGE
  3. Turn your Facebook BLUE until we reach our goal of $16,000 AND reach 16,000 Facebook followers by December 24, 2011 (when you donate you will be given the image to put on your face book page)

What do I get in return for taking the Pledge?

  1. A virtual badge to post on your FB page as your profile picture (this will show you support our cause and together we can cover more children in love)
  2. With a minimum of $50 donation you will receive an awesome PL shopping bag to carry around in style!
  3. Warmth in your heart knowing you are involved in a great cause that provides security, love and comfort in the form of a handmade blankets.

Where do I find more information?
As with other donations, you can specify that you want the pledge donation to go to support the Great Falls Chapter of Project Linus. You just need to add a comment in the comments field of the donation form!

Let me know if you have any questions!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Moving Forward!!

Community Day Sale

Well, the Community Day Sale is over! It was a long ride this time with donations down. It took some extra time to even approach my typical goal for booklets sold before the sale day. With the shifts I got during the sale days however, it all came out great! Turnout both days was wonderful and in those two days I sold about 80% as many as I had before the sale! In the end, I was happily exhausted! I'm sure it will be a week or two before I can even think about the spring sale.


You may remember me telling you about the Mary-Thon about this time last year - a commitment to work out for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 26 consecutive weeks. I did sign up mostly because I wanted to support Mary in her efforts; I thought it was a fun idea, and I had already decided to work out more in the new year anyway. actually did help me keep that resolution. I not only finished the Mary-Thon, but also went on to complete her Mega Mary-Thon after that.

The whole idea was so successful that Mary is going to do it again...with some added twists! She did find with the 2011 program that several people dropped out pretty quickly. When she decided to do another year, she wanted to somehow provide more incentive for participants to stick with it. In her research, she found that having a financial investment helped people follow through. So, as she designed the 2012 program, she made some big changes, including different levels of participation. As a Premium Mary-thoner, you will be entitled to a Moving Forward Mary-thon T-shirt, bracelet, downloadable tracking sheet, pledge, racing bib, motivational support, and a  finisher certificate and beautiful finisher medal when you cross the finish line! There is a $35 fee for participating as a Premium Mary-Thoner or Half-Mary-Thoner BUT!!! $15 of that will go to your favorite Project Linus Chapter if they are participating... and, of course, yours is!!! There are no stipulations on the kind of exercise, or even that you do all 30 minutes at the same time; you can do 3 10-minutes segments in a day, or even 6 5-minute segments. You can run, do weights, yoga, walk...whatever works for YOU! The goal is to just keep moving and to finish by December 31, 2012.

There is still the option of participating for free, it just doesn't include the T-Shirt, medal, etc. Also, for those who feel 26 weeks is just too much of a commitment to make, she has added a Half Mary-Thon option as well.

If you're interested, please see her Mary-Thon webpage for more info and the registration form... 

If you do sign up, remember to put down the Great Falls, MT Chapter of Project Linus as the recipient of the $15. I hope you'll join me!

Blanket Days

Our next Great Falls blanket day is this Saturday. Right now, the forecast is calling for some snow...hopefully not too much. As I've mentioned, we'll be doing Gina Halladay's I'll Tumble for You Quilt. Cute, easy and QUICK!!!

I'm not sure when I'll do another one in Helena, but I hope to be able to work one in soon.

Enjoy these last days of autumn!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Community Day Sale!

Hi everyone!

Well, I haven't had a chance to mention it much (or at all!), but the Herberger's Community Day Sale is this weekend! It is actually a two-day sale this time...Friday and Saturday, November 11 & 12. I have been busy selling the coupon books - it's been much more difficult this time - you can really tell that folks are being a bit more cautious about their money. Even with that hurdle, I have secured some spots on the sale days! If I remember correctly, you can find me Friday noon to 2 at the Better Sportswear door (north side, facing Starbucks) then 2 to 4 at the Customer Service door (on the south side.) On Saturday I will be there noon to 2, I believe at the Customer Service door. The coupon book is similar to the others... $5 donation gets you one $10 off coupon good on almost any item (very few exceptions), an early bird up to 30% off an item, amount depending on what you buy, an up to 20% off shopping pass good both days, specific item coupons, and an up to 30% off online coupon!

I've been taking advantage of some of the sales JoAnn's has had getting some flannel for quilt backs and some fleece. One of my purchases was the biggest ever for a couple of the ladies that a good thing? Whether it is or not...we have some supplies! I'm still waiting for their Day-After-Thanksgiving flyer to see if it will be worth going and standing in line for hours. That is probably the only reason I would go shopping that day. :)

We've been having some fun at our blanket days this fall - if you haven't been to one yet, I hope you'll join us soon! I had several ladies who expressed an interest as I was selling the coupon books...maybe we'll see some new faces! We'll be doing Gina Halladay's I'll Tumble for You pattern in November.

All for now! Hope to see you all soon!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What a great day!

Hi everyone!

Today was our October Blanket Bee and what a fun day I had! We had some Spiderweb Blocks dropped off early and others that were created today! I can't wait to start putting them together. I'm sure we'll get at least 2 nice sized quilt tops out of them, maybe three! We had two fringed fleece blankets braided, several more 10" squares cut, more fleece readied for a crocheted edge...just so much accomplished!!! We met Irene - she came because she didn't want to sit at home and do nothing - she wanted to help! It was so wonderful to meet you, Irene, and we hope to see you again next month!

Neither Marsha nor I...nor Cindy could remember what block we have planned for November. Well, I looked - it's the I'll Tumble For You Block! This one is fun and FAST! We'll have several quilt tops done by the end of the day.

Thanks everyone who could make it, Sharon all the way from Helena!, and thanks to those who couldn't make it but had projects dropped off. You are all just the BEST!!!

Enjoy this lovely autumm!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Getting Ready!

Hello everyone!

Well, what a summer it's been and it's almost over already! I was shocked when I learned that one of my nieces already started school.

September is just around the corner, and so are our Blanket Bees! I came back from my Project Linus Conference with SO MANY fun, maybe even exciting, ideas! The 'theme' this year will be scrappy quilts of large blocks. I have a goal of increasing the number of blankets we distribute by 100 per month this year. That's going to take some work, but I'm hearing from different organizations who would like to receive our blankets. More on one of those is a little further down.

Blanket Bees!
We will be meeting the 3rd Saturday of the month, starting in September at the Moose Lodge. We will have a planned quilt block for every month, and of course, we will have some fleece and yarn for those who don't sew. If there are four knitters out there who would like to try something new...I learned a method where 4 people knit on the same blanket at the same time! It was so cool!

For the quilters, my proposed blocks by month are below...
  • September - Easy 4-Patches and/or Disappearing 4-Patches
  • October - Spiderweb Block
  • November - I'll Tumble for You Block
  • December - 10-minute Block
  • January - Surprise!
  • February - Happy Hearts Block
  • March - Charming Pinwheel or 3 Dimensional Pinwheel Block
  • April - Sew Simple Pineapple Block
  • May - Flower Patch Block
Marsha, Cindy and I are already getting things geared up, getting some kits cut for folks to take home, things like we're jazzed! We hope you are as well!

A Thank You
I mentioned that there are organizations that are requesting PL blankets. One request came in a Thank You I received today. It is below.

Hello. My name is T~ and I am with the Ezekiel Foundation, based out of Helena. We are a new group that is forming to support families with newborn babies who have been diagnosed with Down Syndrome.

When our son, I~, was born two years ago, he was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. We live in Lincoln and when he was three days old, we were sent to the Great Falls emergency room because he was turning purple and having trouble breathing. There we were met with much compassion and kindness as he was diagnosed with a heart condition known as an AV canal. Later that night I~ and I were life-flighted to the children's hospital in Salt Lake City UT. But before we left, my new baby was wrapped in a beautiful fleece blanket (double sided even!) donated by the Great Falls branch of Project Linus. I carried that blanket with me throughout the whole ordeal of the cardiac intensive care unit where we were away from family and friends. I can't tell you what that blanket meant to me at that time. In months that followed, it was like a badge of security and strength - something good from the hospital showing that we were survivors. We will keep that blanket for always.

Now we are working to help new families that face the many issues wrapped around having the blessing of a baby born with down syndrome. We want to put together a package that will be delivered within 24 hours to these families. The packages will include vital information about Down syndrome, doctor referrals, videos showing children and families thriving along with a hat, cocoon and blankets Our goal is to provide these for every newborn child born with Down Syndrome who is born in the state of Montana.

It has been difficult to track down the exact number of babies born with D.S. in Montana each year. There are approximately 5,000 babies born with this syndrome in the U.S. each year. We know that Montana is at the low end of the scale of those annual births. We wanted to approach your organization to see if you might be able to contribute blankets to these kits. We would like to start out with 20-25 kits put together for the upcoming year.

Please let us know your policies and procedures when asking for a donation of this type.

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I said we would be happy to furnish blankets for these kits. I asked if they had any size or type requirements or preferences. When I hear back, I'll pass that info along to you.

Challenge Blocks
How are those challenge blocks and bags of fabric coming along? I still have some of the challenge fabric if anyone didn't get some and would like to make some blocks. There is a fabric for a boy quilt and another for a girl quilt. I've already received a few blocks and they are CUTE! Remember, the block should be 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" so it will finish 12" x 12".

I think that's all for now. I'm still enjoying summer but looking forward to seeing everyone again!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Well, another fun day! One easy, fun that could use a lot of scraps! One more detailed...but a beautiful quilt in the end. EXPO booths covered the Disappearing 9-patch, a turtle square, a paper-pieced sail boat, and an easy pin-wheel. The knitting-crocheting booth had a method of knitting in the round that includes 4 people knitting on the same project at the same time! That was kind of fun! A busy, busy day filled with ideas!
Hi all- 

Jim asked me to send out a reminder for the size of the challenge squares - the squares to be made using fabric we handed out in piece for boys, one for girls. The squares should be 12 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches...once they are in a quilt they will finish to 12 x 12 inches. If you didn't get any pieces of the challenge fabric and would like some... let me know. I'll get some to you somehow. Colette J has already finished something like 4 blocks with the girl fabric and 2 with the boy fabric... and her square are fun!!

I'm at PL Institute right now....wrapping up the first day. Took a couple of classes of very easy from Gina Halladay of Threaded Pear Quilts and one from Pat Speth of 5 Inch is a Cinch. Both kind of scrappy quilts so some great ideas for using some fabric. In fact, the second class was done with 5 inch squares... and they were some of the oddest fabrics I could imagine and I was not liking the looks of the blocks at all. But here's the magic! Once I put them together... a bit of sashing between... it looks really nice! I'll post some pictures tomorrow. EXPO is tomorrow...lots of ideas, make and take booths, and a couple more classes!

Karen Loucks Rinedollar has written a book that was just published on the Project Linus story...she has that here. I'll send another note tomorrow with an update!

And for those who are wondering - I did finish my challenge quilt!!!!!!! It's a miracle!!!

Hi all-  Jim asked me to send out a reminder for the size of the challenge squares - the squares to be made using fabric we handed out in piece for boys, one for girls.  The squares should be 12 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches...once they are in a quilt they will finish to 12 x 12 inches.  If you didn't get any pieces of the challenge fabric and would like some... let me know. I'll get some to you somehow. Colette J has already finished something like 4 blocks with the girl fabric and 2 with the boy fabric... and her square are fun!!  I'm at PL Institute right now....wrapping up the first day. Took a couple of classes of very easy from Gina Halladay of Threaded Pear Quilts and one from Pat Speth of 5 Inch is a Cinch. Both kind of scrappy quilts so some great ideas for using some fabric. In fact, the second class was done with 5 inch squares... and they were some of the oddest fabrics I could imagine and I was not liking the looks of the blocks at all. But here's the magic! Once I put them together... a bit of sashing between... it looks really nice! I'll post some pictures tomorrow.  EXPO is tomorrow...lots of ideas, make and take booths, and a couple more classes! Karen Loucks Rinedollar has written a book that was just published on the Project Linus story...she has that here. I'll send another note tomorrow with an update and some photos!  I'll put these all on the blog once I can get back in.... password issues.  And for those who are wondering - I did finish my challenge quilt!!!!!!! It's a miracle!!!  gina

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Thank You Notes!

Hello Everyone!

Well, it seems it might finally try to shift to spring! With spring comes lots of work for me. I've been to Glasgow twice and am currently in West Yellowstone.

Blankets to Japan
Through it all, I did manage to get 211(!) blankets shipped off for Japan. A big 'Thanks' to everyone who either contributed blankets, collected blankets or helped me box and ship the blankets (that would be my Sweet Baboo...) We received donations from Helena, Great Falls, the Triangle Squares Quilt Guild, the Dutton H.S. FCCLA (they made the blankets for International Day!)...and some I don't even know where they came from. The response was not as great as it was for Haiti (but then I was a little afraid to advertise it like I did for Haiti - the response then was so overwhelming!!), but it was still heartwarming. We more than doubled my original commitment to send 100 blankets! Last I heard, Project Linus as a whole was up to almost 8,000 blankets shipped.

Also, a huge 'Thanks!' to those who contributed money to help pay for the postage. We couldn't have done this without your generosity!

I know these blankets will be tremendously appreciated! As were two others...

Two more Thank You's!

Just a note to thank you for the beautiful blanket my son received in the hospital. He is 8 weeks old & we were recently air-lifted to Seattle Children's Hospital from Helena - Having something homemade was a bright spot in our lives. Thank you - A & R
I just wanted to write and say thank you so much for the thoughtful service you provide! Our Son, S, recently received one of the blankets donated to St. Pete's Hospital in Helena - he was there having an MRI done. The blanket was a bright spot in a stressful day and we thank you for that. Fortunately, our son's result came back absolutely fine, and the blanket is now used daily in his play area. Thanks again for the wonderful thing you do! D, A and S Helena, MT

Our last Great Falls Blanket Bee for the season!
Saturday, May 14 will be our last Blanket Bee of the season. Unfortunately, it is the same day as the Holiday Village Mall Community Day. I missed the last Blanket Bee last year, and really don't want to do that again. So, I'm wondering if anyone would want to the the event at the mall? It is just an information fund-raising allowed. The times are almost the same as our Blanket Bee. If anyone would like to do this, please let me know. Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll have to skip the mall event this year.

We'll be having a pot luck for this Bee...please RSVP to the evite, and when you do, there will be a box where you can indicate the type dish you want to bring.

We'll restart the Bees in September, and I'm going to try to change them to the 3rd Saturday of the month at that time.

May Blanket Bee in Helena
We will have a spring Blanket Bee at Prickly Pear Quilts in Helena on Saturday, May 21st! Donna tells me that is the same weekend as the Helena Quilt Show and, hopefully, there won't be much going on with my job that weekend. I'll send out the evite with all the info soon.

Blankets for TAPS
Ann A. has again been busy and created 6 blankets to contribute to the TAPS - Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. She gave them to me at the quilt show this past weekend...but they got some photos they plan to bring for show and tell! Thanks Ann!! They're wonderful!

Quilt Show Entries
Did you all make it to the Falls Quilt Guild Quilt Show last weekend? Some beautiful quilts were there to be seen, and two were from Project Linus. Cindy J. took the time to enter the quilts with a nice little write-up for each. Then, the Guild added website and contact information and our logo! It was so exciting to see your work hanging there and have others help to share information about our organization! I had a great time! Thanks, Cindy!

I look forward to seeing you all soon!!
All for now!


More Thank You Notes!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another Thank You!

Wow! I don't receive any for months and then I get three Thank You's in a few weeks! The note is below... it is very sweet.

My daughter, Daisy, received a tied Daisy blanket while we were in the hospital Feb 15th-Feb19th, 2011. She turned 3 while in the hospital. This was her 6th hospital stay since she was born and has health issues. She had RSV this hospital stay with a stomach virus. She is still recovering at home. She sleeps with her Daisy blanket at the foot of her Dora bed every night. Thank you all very much!!!

You couldn't be there to hold her hand;
Something in my heart says you understand
You couldn't be there to give her a hug'
but she grabbed her new blankie and gave it a snug.
You couldn't be there to dry her tears;
but her blanket made with love will be with her for years.

I was sitting there in her room in the middle of the night;
My heart filled with uncertainty, full of motherly fright.
When I saw the Project Linus poem starring at me;
I thought of all the selfless people who were thinking of my daughter and her needs.
I held that blanket and my baby who was wrapped up in it tight;
I knew I was lucky for I could feel the love
that was tucked inside this blanket in the dead of the cold winter night.

I dried my tears soon and I smiled awhile;
thinking of all the people who go the extra mile.
I thought of all of you who take the time to make
a blanket for a child they had never even met;
It is something a Mother like me will never forget!

To all the people that make Project Linus happen.....thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Evite Issues
It has come to my attention that the last evite, and for all I know others before that, didn't go out to everyone. I don't know why. I have to send another for our day in Helena so I'll check the list after I send it to see if I can figure it out. Meantime, unless something really big comes up, you can plan on the Blanket Bee's being the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Moose Lodge through May.

See you Saturday!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hi everyone!

Hope you are finding someway to stay warm as we plow (literally!) our way through these last days of winter!

Thank You Received...

I received a lovely Thank You in the mail today...

I just wanted to write and thank you for the beautiful blanket you made for our new sweet baby, M. Thank you for using you time and talents to bless little ones.

M. was born last night to a mom who was unable to care for her. My husband and I, along with M's two small biological brothers, and our five birth children, will become a family, extended thru need and loss, but built on the solid foundation of God's gracious love. Your blanket gift is a good starting reminder that He will not leave His little ones comfortless.

Thank you again for you kindness.

Upcoming Blanket Days

Our next blanket day will be next Saturday, March 12, at the Moose Lodge in Black Eagle. We will also have a Blanket Day Sunday, March 20, at The Sewing Palace Bernina.

Attend Institute with a Friend...or 5!

Announcing the Project Linus Institute Best Friends Offer!

Beginning March 1st, take advantage of this special Institute offer. Simply invite 5 of your friends to attend Project Linus Institute with you, and you can attend for FREE!
How does work?
  • First, plan for a great week together at Project Linus Institute, July 20-23, in Peoria, Illinois.
  • Second, invite your friends to register at
  • Make sure that they add a note in the comments field indicating that they are attending with you as your FRIEND.
  • Once you have 5 people sign up as your FRIEND, you may register for free by calling us at 309-585-0686.
  • Already registered? You can still have your FRIENDS sign up with you as their FRIEND. Once 5 people have registered we will refund your Institute fee.
  • Spread out the savings with your friends and save everyone money, or use the savings for yourself or someone else to attend for free.
  • Everyone who registers 5 FRIENDS is entered into a drawing for a FREE INSTITUTE PACKAGE to Project Linus Institute 2011, which will include one registration fee, hotel accommodations for 5 nights and $300.00 in travel expenses paid. (one Institute package to be given away)
Ok, here’s the small print. If you are a Project Linus Chapter Coordinator, you cannot invite other Chapter Coordinators to come as your FRIEND, (but you can invite 5 other friends) nor can you be on someone else’s FRIEND list. Registration ends March 31, 2011. Don’t delay!

Let me know if you're interested or have any questions.

E-mail lists

If you ever find that you no longer want to receive emails from our chapter of Project Linus, please just send me a note letting me know. I would hate to clutter anyone's Inbox with unwanted info.

That's all for now. Here's hoping you have a wonderful weekend!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

National Make a Blanket Day!

Hi everyone and Happy National Make a Blanket Day!

National Make A Blanket Day Event
This is the first year I haven't done something on NMABD...and looking out my window, I am glad it turned out that way. Really, I didn't want to take on a bunch of different things at the same time again... it just gets too overwhelming. So once the Community Day sale is done (next Saturday - February 26!), I'll turn my attention toward that. I was thinking about something like an open house. I've thought about doing it someplace like the mall...I just need to find out what it would take to do that. Where ever we do it, I'm thinking of having our "regulars" doing demos of different blanket making techniques, maybe an area where kids could color some quilt squares. I'm always looking for ideas! Let me know if you have any.

Blanket Bee Days
It's come up a few times this year about the possibility of changing the day of one Blanket Bee or another because of other events being on the same weekend. This was an issue I had last year, but when I asked if anyone wanted to change the weekend, I didn't get much response, so I left it as it was/is. Anyway, I've given this all some thought and have decided that we will not be changing the day of the Bee because of conflicting events. I spend a lot of time advertising that we meet the second Saturday at the Moose Lodge September through May, and I would hate for anyone to show up just to find no one there. So, that's when we'll be there. I do plan to change to a different weekend next year, but we will continue through May on the second Saturday at the Moose Lodge.

Speaking of Blanket Bee days, we have one scheduled for The Sewing Palace Bernina on Sunday, March 20 for our Helena friends!

Make a Blanket Night!
Marsha had her church LOGOS group making PL blankets last Wednesday and I was able to join them for the event. What fun - it was pajama night! So many kids with so much energy! They finished over 30 double fleece blankets!! And three cheers for Marsha for having all the fleece ready for them! The pieces were all paired, pinned together, and the fringe and holes cut. She had 39 ready to go. What a huge chore! They are all wonderful and will be a welcome gift to the kids that receive them.

Thank You Note
And speaking of the kids that receive them, a wonderful Thank You showed up in the mail today...

The card has print that reads...
One day (March 29th 2010 to be exact) one baby weighing one pound won the hearts of one million peopole. E., our tiny miracle boy started an enormous movement of kindness and generosity. Thank you for everything you did, it did not go unnoticed (even though it took months to get these notes out) E .weighs over 12 pounds, no longer requires oxygen (yay!) has grown a wee bit of hair for the winter, loves to scoot around on his back, smile, squeal and giggle, Life is good. Our world is not full of just a few good people; it's full of all the BEST! Thank you for being one of them. Thank you so very much

Then hand written...
Project Linus, Thank you so much for the gorgeous blanket. E. will enjoy it for many years to come. Thanks again! Love, J,L and E.

And I thank you for everything too!

Stay warm!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sew Weather
Another January morning, another several inches of snow. While selling the Community Day Coupon Books at Herberger's the last couple of days, I certainly heard plenty of people comment on how weary they were becoming of this winter. At times I'm with them...especially as I watch my horses ice skating in their corrals. It's never been this icy - ick. But snow weather is sew weather! What a great opportunity to work on some projects!

January Blanket Bee
Yes, I missed the January Blanket Bee and a huge 'Thanks!' to Marsha for stepping in at the last minute to head it up. As I mentioned above, winter has been different this year. Twin Bridges started experiencing ice jams in late December or early January. It was causing some problems and they held a town meeting to share information. They wanted me there to talk about the dynamics of river ice and ice jams. I hated to miss the Bee but the river's are my job. It was an interesting meeting with a great turnout. And I'm sure Marsha did just great!

Prickly Pear Blanket Bee
We had our first Blanket Bee at Prickly Pear Quilts last Saturday, and it was truly one of the nicest I've had. Donna's classroom, with its stone walls and beams, felt very much like someone's living room. And, actually, it used to be someone's living room. It's not a huge area, but it is perfect for several people, and is laid out so that everyone can converse easily. It was once the Helena Assayer's Office. She has a wonderful shop started, and if you haven't been yet, please try to stop by and visit. The classroom is downstairs. It is on the Helena Walking Mall, so parking can be found in the lot beside The Base Camp, or continue through that lot to find a space right behind the shop. There is a back entrance from the parking side of the shop.

Community Day
This spring, Community Day is Saturday, February 26. Yahoo! It doesn't conflict with any Blanket Bees! Sales of the coupon books so far have been good! They always slow down as the sale approaches as most everyone who usually buys one has already. For those who might be interested, they changed it last time by greatly reducing the exceptions. They've changed it again this time, and now the coupons are also good on their Yellow Dot (clearance) items. As always, I expect it will be a great sale and we'll do well. If anyone would like to buy a coupon book, or sell a few, just send me an email -

The best part about selling the coupon books is meeting some of the people who have been touched by the blankets. One little 6-year-old came up and told me she still has her Pooh blanket (she got it when she was 3 or 4) - what a little sweetheart. A nurse from the NICU told me how wonderful you all are to do this. She thinks the blankets we give them are at times the nicest thing that family has ever received. There was also a nurse from Mercy Flight. You have all touch so many lives in such a wonderful way!

Friendship Triangles and Disappearing 9-Patch
I am loving the results of the blocks from the Friendship Triangles. I haven't seen any of the trees put into quilts yet, but I think four of those in one top would be a great beginning for a teen sized quilt. Sharon G made a beautiful quilt using two rows of triangles, one inverted from the other, with whole fabric strips in between. It was just great! The options for how to use these pieces is limited only by our imagination!! I haven't seen any finished Disappearing 9-patches yet. I hope to at our next Bee on February 12!

Project Linus Institute
They've extended the Early Bird Registration Discount for our PL Institute until January 31. That's tomorrow! It will be held in Peoria, IL in July 20-23 . There is always so much to learn! If you are interested in attending, and anyone is welcome to attend, please go to for more details. I've been to two so far, and am planning on being there in July!

Well, I am surprised to be saying this, but I am finally feeling like we might be getting short on blankets. After the Haiti and Disney events last year, I wasn't sure I'd ever feel blanket-short again...but they go quickly. Each of the hospitals in Great Falls and Helena go through 30-40 a month. I've also given to the Havre hospital, and various other organizations - none of which go through quite as many as the hospitals. The Salvation Army has given out several this winter. I would like to get a lot of bigger, teen sized blankets for kids in the Montana Youth Homes and Eagle's Mount. There is always a need somewhere. As always, your help and time is so very appreciated!

Moose Lodge
The Moose Lodge will be hosting a Winter Market on... the second Saturday of the month at least in February and possibly through the spring. The are using the BINGO room for this and taking up about 3/4's of the room. We will move to either the Friendship room (where the closet is) or upstairs. We'll evaluate that on the 12th.

Well, I think that's about all the news for now. Enjoy the winter weather...somehow...and be safe. I hope to see you all at the Blanket Bee in February!


Monday, January 3, 2011


Hello everyone!

Well, I am stunned to realize it, but it appears I have not updated the blog since early September! It is certainly not because there's been nothing going on...just not enough time to do everything, I suppose.

Blanket Bees
We will continue to have our Blanket Bees the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Moose Lodge in Black Eagle. We also have one planned at a new quilt shop on Last Chance Gulch in Helena, Prickly Pear Quilts, on Saturday, January 22, 2011. I'm hoping the weather stays relatively mild for the drive down. We will have another in Helena in March at The Sewing Palace.

During the last Blanket Bee in Great Falls, we finished a few of the Friendship Triangle Tree blocks! They're beautiful. At our next Bee, we'll try some different layouts. Marsha's Disappearing 9-Patches are turning out great as well! We should have some great quilts completed soon!

We haven't had many fleece workers at the Bees the last few months. I know we talk about different quilting patterns and projects and techniques a lot, but we want those who work the fleece, or those who knit or crochet to know they are just as welcome to come work with us. We plan to have someone give a demo on different ways to crochet the edge of the fleece sometime this spring.

We will again be doing the spring Community Day Sale with Herberger's. The spring sale is Saturday, February 26. I'll pick up the coupon books and start selling this week. This is the only fund-raising event I am planning this spring.

Project Linus Institute
Don't forget...anyone is welcome to attend the 2011 Project Linus Institute to be held in Peoria, Illinois in July. I plan to attend. You can find more info at I know Jennifer Chiaverini of the Elm Creek Quilts book series will be one of the evening banquet speakers. I haven't heard about the specific classes yet. Let me know if you have any questions.

I am hoping to reorganize some things in my life this year, including some of my Project Linus stuff. I've already gone through a couple of email lists and found several emails missing. I don't know if this is because they didn't get added, if they were somehow deleted... what. Anyway...I'm trying to get that fixed. There are a few other things as well. So far, I don't have any big events going on to overwhelm my plans... like Disney passes or I have hopes of success!

Also, for those of you who might have fitness resolutions for the coming year, the vice-president of Project Linus is hosting a "Mary-thon" for 2011. She is basing this on some of the things she learned doing a half-marathon recently. To 'win' (and she will be handing out medals to those who 'win'), you have to complete 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week for 26 consecutive weeks. She allows you two extra weeks for unexpected you have 28 weeks total to complete the goal. This has to be done by December 31, 2011. The type of exercise is up to you, and this is on an honor system. If you are interested in signing up, let me know, and I'll get your info to her. I did sign up - I had also had a resolution to work out more anyway so this might help me keep focused in that regard as well.

I do hope everyone had a wonderful, blessed holiday! I've missed seeing many of you and hope to again soon at one Blanket Bee or another.

Be well!