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Monday, August 29, 2016

Project Linus Mystery Quilt Challenge!`

Hello everyone!

Can it really be the end of August?!?!?!? Our Helena Blanket Bees start in less than 2 weeks, the one in Great Falls in less than 3 weeks! I am busy trying to get things ready for all that!

What else is going on??? I'm glad you asked! It's time to register for the Project Linus Mystery Quilt Challenge! This year's challenge is Gracie's Get-Well Garden, and I get the feeling it will be an owl theme! ;) Clue release will start September 10. This promises to be another fun, child-sized quilt!

Some of the questions I've already been asked.....

  • Cost is $15... plus forty-some cents in change to cover the credit card fees.
  • Clues will be released over a 6 to 8 week period, each should be released on Saturday mornings.
  • Instructions will be detailed, and techniques used will allow quilters of all levels to participate. Don't let your new-ness to quilting keep you from joining in the fun!
  • No, you do not have to finish the quilt in a specific amount of time, unless you want to enter it in the contest to win some of the big prizes! You can download the clues and save them and complete the quilt as quickly as you can, or as slowly as I might.....
  • No, you do not have to donate the quilt to Project Linus. You can give it to someone you know, or keep it for yourself, or donate it to Project Linus - that is your choice!
  • No, you can't share your entry with another. Due to copyright laws, you cannot post or share any specific details about the challenge's weekly clues (yardage, fabrics, instructions, cutting, etc.). However, there is a Facebook page dedicated to the Mystery Challenge and there is lots of sharing of progress on that page! Fun! Fun! Fun!
  • Yes, this is a fundraiser for Project Linus, and our chapter gets the entire registration fee if you put that on your registration form. There is a question on the registration where you should enter the GREAT FALLS/HELENA, MT CHAPTER. Again, each entry is $15.
You can find more information and complete the registration on the PL National Website... http://www.

I know a few of us have already signed up... I hope more will join us! And feel free to share this info with all your quilting friends!

Thanks, and see you all very soon!!!!

Kindness always

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Well, we meet again!

I was actually encouraged to write this post. And it's not something new... we've talked about it before. Let me explain...

Some time ago, there was an opening at the Glasgow Weather Service Office. Interested candidates put in their resumes, and a very nice gentleman was selected. He went to Glasgow before the rest of his family to get things set up and ready for their arrival.

On June 10th, this man woke up and was getting ready to head to work. He was excited because the next day he was flying to Arizona to be reunited with his wife and kids and bring them back to their new home in Montana. As he was doing his laundry, a huge explosion occurred. What the explosion didn't destroy of the home, the resulting fire did. His neighbor heard him yelling for help and ran over and assisted.  He was transported to the local hospital with serious burns. He was stabilized and then transported via AirStat Ambulance to Salt Lake City and the University of Utah Burn Center.  The house was a total loss.

This man held on to life with a vengeance... and while he had the spirit to keep going, his body could not keep up. After more than 40 days of battling the burns, the surgeries, and everything else....he passed away.

I was in contact with the Glasgow office to get an address for his family early on so we could send his kids some blankets. With all that was going on, I didn't get it until a few days ago.  So I start going through my blankets on hand to find what I want to be two very special blankets for these kids. And here is where we reach the point of this post.... the two kids are 6 and one 8 years old. While I have given away several blankets over the course of the summer, I still have many left. But there are almost none to give to two boys, 6 and 8 years old. Lots and lots of girl blankets. Lots of small blankets. Some with great fronts for boys (or girls) but a definite girly fabric on the back. But I have almost nothing that will work for these two boys. I almost regretted sending some out to Benefis recently... maybe I should have held some back... but they need boy blankets, too.

So once again, I am encouraging you to think about creating more boy blankets and quilts. And if you have something that will work for either a girl or boy on the front, please try to do the same for the back...something plain or geometric...rather than flowers or something girly.

Thanks so much for everything you do!

Kindness always~

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Mid-Summer Musings

Hi. My name's Gina, and it's been nearly 5 months since my last blog post.

Yes, indeed... time can get away from me! Please don't say "But you should have lots of time on your hands now!" Nothing could be further from the truth, and if my eyes roll one more time upon hearing such a comment, I'm afraid they'll get stuck that way. Not a good look for me. :)

But we are right at the half-way point between our last blanket day and our next blanket day, so busy or not, it's time to start gearing up!

She's Here!

Yes, little Olivia has arrived! Olivia is the daughter to our Great Falls volunteer, Sophia, and her husband, Nate. Stats...
1013 am June 28th 2016
7 pounds 12 ounces
20 1/2 inches long
Congratulations to Sophia and Nate and little Olivia! What a wonderful blessing!!!

Project Linus National Conference

I went to what is expected to be our last PL national conference in June... gained lots of fresh ideas and tips! Instead of a large national conference, there will be smaller, regional conferences in the future. There have already been a few...Kansas City, Phoenix, Portland... the hope is that these will be inviting and more affordable to coordinators and volunteers in different corners of the country. Will one be coming to a state near you??? Time will tell.

Project Linus Mystery Quilt

Yes, another Mystery Quilt is in the works! This will be done similarly to Lukey the Lucky Penguin quilt, but this will be Gracie's Get Well Garden! Gracie, like Lukey, is another of our PL VP's grandchildren... just the sweetest little girl. Mary is currently at 11 grandkids... so there are a lot of quilt ideas for the future! Registration will start August 20 with the clue releases starting September 10. Registration is $15, and if you designate the Great Falls/Helena, MT chapter, all that will be donated to us!

Changes to our Blanket Day Routine

We've tried to do it in as many ways as I can imagine, and it still isn't working all that well for a number of reasons. And, it's taking a lot of YOUR time! So...... volunteers will no longer be tagging or labeling blankets at our blanket days or at home. What I will ask you to do is bring in your blankets with your name in the upper right corner of the front using either an address label, some painter's tape, or masking tape. I will do all the tagging and labeling afterwards. This will also allow us to start with the demo promptly at 10:30.

Another change....we're going to push Show and Tell to 1:00 or 1:30 depending on how many blankets we have. Doing Show and Tell in the middle seems to be too disruptive to the work in progress. Once Show and Tell is done, we can start cleaning up, packing up, and calling it a fruitful day

Loose Ends... or Not Knot!

Perhaps the greatest tip I learned at conference was the Russian Join for yarn! This technique simply rocked my world! (We were doing a lot of world rocking at this conference....) All those loose ends of yarn can be avoided, and I won't have to try to weave them in myself! Lion Brand Yarn has the instructions for the Russian Join on their website...just click here! But I'll also throw them in below... I don't want any of our knitters or crocheters to miss this! Again... rocked my world!!!!

How to Russian Join Yarn in 7 Easy Steps

1. Thread a blunt needle with one end of yarn leaving a few inches of tail
2. Work the needle back through the plies of your yarn for a few inches. Don't worry if this looks bunched up now.
3. Pull the yarn tail through, leaving a small loop at the end. This is where the second piece of yarn will be attached.
4. Thread your needle with the second piece of yarn, again leaving a tail.
5. Insert the needle into the small loop you created before pulling a few inches of yarn, including the tail, through the small loop.
6. Like you did before, work the needle through the plies of your second piece of yarn.
7. Give each strand a little tug to smooth out the bunching. You now have a secure join! Trim off any excess ends.
That's all there is to it! Depending on your yarn, you may notice that this joined area is slightly thicker than the rest of your yarn, but for most projects it should not be noticeable.
See more at:

2016-2017 Blocks of the Month

Cindy, Marsha, and I have been chatting and started firming up our plans for next year's blocks. I know it can take some time to find the fabric you might want to use, so here's the list...

September - Bullseye Block
This is a fun and easy technique to get us going again! Raw edge and done in flannel... it will give us some great warm blankets to give out going into our colder months. I have a lot of flannel to get us started.

October - Stacks
This is a great quilt! Done with some prints and a background fabric, it looks like the piles of books I used to work with when I had a job at my university library. In fact, the book storage areas are called the 'stacks'! For this, you'll want to collect 2 1/2" strips, half in your background color, and half in fun prints.

November - Shape Shifter
Okay... I made up that name. It is basically an exercise in taking one block and shifting around your placement for light, medium, and dark fabrics to give a number of different looks. In the end, at first glance, you won't realize all the blocks are exactly the same. you'll have to really look to see that they are all the same block. 'Indian Puzzle' is the block that is used, and it has a lot of pieces to it. I've heard that some of you don't like the more intricate patterns... blocks with a lot of pieces... thinking they are too intense for a PL blanket. So, instead of everyone doing a whole top, we're going to share the work and have everyone make one block. I might try to buy some fabric and give small pieces of each to everyone so that the differences are seen as truly a result of shifting the placement of color rather than the difference being the result of different fabrics. Stayed tuned for updates!

Many of you stated you would like a catch-up day mid year. Since our December Bee is also our holiday potluck, there won't be a block of the month. Unless some really want one, then maybe I can come up with something easy. Let me know.

January - Cutting Corners
This is another one that will make use of some 2 1/2" fun print strips and some background fabric.

February - Dandy Star
I love star blocks! I was going to try to include the Montana Star for one month, but that really is a busy block! This is much simpler and still has that starry impact! This pattern will make use of 5" squares in fun prints and some background fabrics.

March - Animal Theme
We're going on a safari...
It's an elephant we seek!
He might boldly walk 'cross our quilt top
Or from the corners he might peek!

Yes, this month will be a little different in that we're going with a theme rather than a specific block. And, as the rhyme implied, the theme is ELEPHANTS! How you include elephants in your blanket is up to you... the pattern, the fabric...creator's choice! If you really can't find any way to include elephants, try for a safari theme. This is just supposed to be fun. The ladies in Helena and all their frog quilts steered us to this idea!

April - Fat Quarter Frenzy
Start searching for some fun and coordinating fat quarters! We're still trying to choose how we'll work these. (Okay... so not every plan is nailed down....)

May is our month to organize, catch up on some unfinished projects, and enjoy lunch together.

One Last Thing...

Our chapter name has officially been changed to Great Falls/Helena, MT. It's something I've been meaning to do for a very long time. We have always served both areas equally when it comes to blanket deliveries. I know this still leaves out a lot of areas we cover, like Havre and Butte, but I want to keep some consistency so it doesn't look like a new chapter or something like that.

I think that's enough for now. So, enjoy the rest of your summer, but start searching for some of those fabrics you might need!

Hugs and blessings!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Hello everyone!

I hope you're enjoying our early evolution from winter to spring - I certainly have been! I'm trying hard not to think about the implications of possibly not having enough snowpack as a result of the recent warm weather... not easy. Regardless, I'm loving the milder temperatures and lack of ice on the roads.

I wanted to send this out before our next blanket day, which is Saturday. Last month, the whole day I felt like I never really got my feet under me. With our group growing, evolving, and more people coming to our blanket days, it is becoming difficult for me to keep up with everything going on, so I think we need to change how we do some things. I know this is long, please bear with me....

A few times recently I've heard someone say something like "...if I don't take it now, it will all be gone." With that in mind, when someone sees something they'd like to use to create a blanket, they take it before it's gone. And they might take all of something even if there is a lot of it. There are a couple of problems with this. First, I have to note every donation that comes in for our chapter and list it on our quarterly report. We've had donations come in recently that were gone before I saw what it was. Also, everything that is donated belongs to PL...until it is deemed to be something we can't use. I certainly want you to have the supplies and have some fun with them, but I do have to see them before they go to the volunteers.  Second, not everything that comes into the blanket day is meant for our volunteers there that day. There are times when things come in meant for a specific person or with a specific purpose in mind....and even though these supplies may be far separated from the common work areas, they are taken.

So, we are going to start having a Take-It Table. Anything that is ready to go home with a volunteer will be on that table. If it is anywhere else in the room, please consider that to be 'not available', at least for the time being. You are free to ask about its intent... but please don't take anything that is not on the table. The fabric in the closet totes will be considered Take-It Totes.

Organizations Wanting to Help PL
In the last couple of years, I've had several organizations approach me with the intent of them wanting to help Project Linus. However, as I talk to them, I find they want the chapter to furnish the supplies for them to help. I've thought about this to great length.... I would love to have the help, however, it is sometimes difficult to keep up with supplies just for our routine blanket-makers. As you know, the only funds we have to purchase anything are the funds we raise. I try to use this to take the sting out of some of the supplies all of you use. I don't feel I have enough to supply other organizations, even if the completed blankets would come back to PL. I will add that I have tried giving supplies to organizations in the past, and the results were not particularly positive; I'm not sure I got back all the blankets I gave supplies for, and some that I did get back needed a lot of mending before I could give them out.

"But what about the Logos blankets for Marsha, aren't you giving fleece to them?" No. For those that don't know, Logos is the kids group at Marsha's church that meets one evening a week. The kids are elementary to high school. The evening has three parts...worship, dinner, and an activity. Several years ago, Marsha included blanket-making as one of their activities during the year. Because these are kids and there are only about 45 minutes, maybe less, to get things done, the blankets are all pre-cut... the kids just braid the fleece. I do help Marsha with this activity, in part because the blankets come to PL, and in part because it is just fun. However, we do not buy the supplies for this activity; the church and other sources have provided funding for the fleece. She does bring in some of the fleece on our blanket days so she can get some pre-cut.... nothing like big tables to make that job easier...but that is not PL fleece she is cutting. We do need to thank Marsha for sharing her fleece with our volunteers in January! I'd brought fleece the previous couple of months, but interest was low, so in January, I sacrificed that to bring in fabric ...and Murphy's Law took effect.

Along these same lines, I've had requests from other organizations for blankets to distribute... some of these requesting a significant number. Most of these organizations are well-run and with good intent. So how does one distinguish between an organization that we can help and those we can't? My policy is to give to hospitals, shelters, and aid organizations that provide help in a number of ways - e.g. Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc. However, if it is another organization whose mission it is to give out fun blankets to kids ... well, harsh as it may sound, they need to build a volunteer base to make blankets for them, just as we do. We give out many blankets in our area - for 2015 it was over 1400. Even with that number, we had shortages at times, and could give out even more. And honestly, it doesn't make sense to me to give a PL blanket, with our label, to Blankets4Kidz (I made that up!), they put their label on it, then FunBlankets (also made up!) gets some from Blankets4Kidz and puts their label on it...... you get the picture. All three of these groups might be reporting they gave out 200 blankets - which would appear to be 600 total - to the community, when it is actually the same 200 blankets with three different organization labels. So, for the foreseeable future, we will continue to follow our current policy of receiving organizations.

Tagging the Blankets
Use of the tagger gun continues to be a nightmare.... the tags break, the tagger gets jammed, it is used again before the jam is cleared and now it is really jammed... oy. The tags aren't that expensive, but the tagger gun kindof is. And I can't get to other things if I'm constantly having to tag blankets or unjam the tagger. So, let's try this...please just pin the ribbon to the blankets, and I will remove the pin and tag the ribbon as they are processed.

This is a tough one. We get some marvelous donations that have been such a blessing and allowed us to create some beautiful blankets. We've also gotten some that are less so. Last week, I spent over 2 days going through boxes of donations that resulted in maybe (!) 3 totes of usable fabric. Of the rest, I took 3 large bags to the Mission Thrift Store, stuffed enough scraps to make over a dozen dog beds, and 2 large bags went to the dump. Not a good use of my time, or my garage. Actually, I felt like I was cleaning the garages of about 5 other houses doing this. There was a bag of old clothes, a bag of clothespins, much polyester/satins/lace fabric that we just can't use, things pinned together for so long the pin had rusted in the fabric, stained and dirty fabric, old curtains, bedspreads, etc. People have suggested I be sure and ask if this is quilting fabric that is to be donated. Believe me, I do. However, if you aren't a quilter, you don't really know what that word means, and some believe it includes pretty much any type of sewing. Again, oy. Cost vs. gain. From this point forward, I will take only those fabric donations that I know will be of use to the group. If you know of someone wanting to get rid of some fabric, and you want to take it and sort through it, please feel free.

Marsha mentioned this last month, and I will mention it here as well... please RSVP to the evite whether or not you will be able to attend. It would really help Marsha, Cindy, and I be better prepared with any supplies we might be planning to bring for our block of the month or other activities.

We have been blessed in being allowed to host our blanket days at the Moose Lodge in Great Falls/Black Eagle and now in Helena. Please keep in mind that these facilities are used by many others. We need to be respectful of any rules or policies that might be commonplace for a public facility.

For those who are sewing the PL label on their blanket, some of these are starting to drift farther and farther into the body of the quilt. You can shift it a little to the side or down to keep from covering a design, but please try to keep this close to the upper right corner of the front of the blanket.

We are happy to offer kits to construct as we are able. We have noted, however, that not all the kits taken are being returned as either a PL blanket or even an unfinished kit. There was a kit taken that was completed and entered in the State Fair...but it still has not been returned to PL. I have always taken an honor policy approach in letting people take home supplies, without deadlines, and I would very much like to continue in this manner. And I have no problem with the blankets created from PL supplies/kits being entered in either a local quilt show or the fair. However, if a blanket is made from PL supplies, please ensure it finds its way back to the organization.

Show and Tell
This is another tough one. For many, this is the favorite part of a blanket day! It is always so inspiring to see the many creative ideas! I am wondering, though, if they might be getting a bit long. With 80 to 100 blankets coming in, is there a way we can pare down the time some? Maybe if you made 2 nearly identical blankets, show only one in detail. I don't want to shortchange anyone's bragging rights.... but I know some want to get back to work. I'm open to ideas on this.

Okay....that's a lot. I'll end now, and start getting ready for Saturday. I do hope I'll see many of you there!

Hugs and Blessings