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Saturday, February 7, 2015

It's gone viral!

The winter, that is....

Good morning everyone!

As I'm sure you've heard in the news, and from friends and neighbors, this year has been a bad season for colds, flu, and viruses. I took a typical month (or so) supply to Helena January 15, and they were mostly gone by February 1. Havre is out of blankets as well. I've gotten more to Helena, and am about done getting more ready for Great Falls - I haven't heard from them, but they're probably going through them as quickly as everyone else. I'm trying to find a way to get some to Havre in the next few days.

So.....our supplies are dwindled! If you have any in the works that you might be able to get done before our next blanket day - that would be fantastic! I'm sure these facilities aren't done with winter yet, even though my trees are (at least one is leafing out already!)

Thanks for all you do - as these requests show, it means so much to so many!!!

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