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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Starting off with a bang!

Well, we are still a few days before our startup Bee for the season, and things are already taking off!

First, the Bees
As I’ve said before, they will continue to be on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Moose Lodge. I didn’t have any compelling reason to change the weekend, and I can’t think of a better location. The September Bee, we will share the room with some Farmer’s Market vendors. I’ve been told there won’t be many, so space should not be a problem. This will only be occurring during September, possibly October.

We’re going to try some new things at the Bees this year – guest demonstrations, special projects, etc. If you have anything or know anyone that might be able to show us something new, let me know.

We were hoping to have lots of kits ready to go for our start-up, but summer is summer...even when it’s cool and short. We have some to start off with and we’ll get more cut soon. We have lots of fabric!

Community Day Sale
We will again be participating in the Herberger’s Community Day sale as a fund raiser. I’ve had a couple folks volunteer to help me sell the coupon books at the store door prior to sale day. If anyone else would like to help, I would love it! For those who want to help sell at the store prior to sale day, we’ll make up a ‘display kit’ for you to use. Even if you could just take a few and sell them to friends and family, that would be great! It all adds up and gets us a spot in the store on sale day which is Saturday, November 13...the second Saturday of the month.

WOTM Holiday Craft Show

The Women of the Moose have invited us to participate in a craft show they will be having at the Lodge. The registration fee is quite reasonable, and I am curious to see how we do at a show before the holidays. The last spring one did not turn out well at all, and I doubt I will do anymore of those, but I want to give this one a try. We will be looking for ideas of sale items. What would you want to buy at a craft show and what could you make for us to sell? Let me know. We have some things already, and we have offers of a few more things. Again, let me know if you have some ideas. If there is interest, we might try to get together for a work day to prepare prior to the show. The show will be in November... the second Saturday.

Did I also mention the Bees are the second Saturday? November we will be doing a craft show, the Community Day Sale and the Bee all on the same day. I will do the Community Day Sale, Cindy Jauert will head up the craft show and Marsha Martin will do the Bee. It sounds like a lot, but I’m sure it will all come together.

Triangle Squares Quilt Guild Annual Party
The Triangle Squares Quilt Guild will be having their annual party on the 1st Saturday in October in Valier. I attended this a couple of years ago and had a fun time. I will pass on more info with time and info when I have it.

JoAnn’s Discount Cards

I have the ‘Project Linus membership cards’, and will bring them to the Bee Saturday. These have to be used with the card you order from JoAnn’s to get their 10% discount on your purchase of supplies for Linus blankets. The 10% will apply to regular and sale items, but will not apply to anything you’re buying with a 40% off coupon. Mine showed up last week, so it took 3-4 weeks.

Project Linus Institute
For those interested, the info for the Project Linus Institute to be held in July 2011 is now on the national website... They’ve changed things up a bit this time, and again promises to be a great event. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Blanket Delivery

I made a blanket delivery to St Pete’s Hospital in Helena recently. I am thrilled to say they had run out and called to let me know they needed more. It doesn’t sound like much, I know, but I’ve always asked everyone to let me know and this was the first time it happened. When I dropped them off, the nurse on duty told me I wouldn’t believe how grateful the families are to have these blankets given. It brings comfort in so many ways. Thanks to you all for everything you do. that it?
That’s probably enough even if it isn’t everything. I hope to see many of you Saturday!

Until then...

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