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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Moving Forward into Autumn!!!

Good morning, everyone!

Well, here it is... August! Our first blanket days are barely a month away, and I have been furiously trying to get things ready. In just the last few days, Cindy, Marsha, and I settled on some ideas for the coming year - yes, Marsha is still on the hook for some things! 😊 So, let's have an update....

Opinion Poll

I am happy, and a little relieved, to say the poll pretty much showed the results I expected to see... so maybe I'm not too far out of touch with how things are going with the groups. All in all, there were several "I love them" votes from the quilters, several "I couldn't care less" from the non-quilters. So we will continue on with this part of our blanket days. We did have another volunteer for teaching a block - thanks, Carmen!!!

Block of the Month Patterns

Okay... for the last few years, I've put all the blocks we're going to do throught the year out there about this time. I'm not going to do that this time. I'm not going to do it because that means I'll have to come back in another month or two and add more. If I don't have a good reason to do a blog post, I tend not to do one. This will give me a reason. So I'll start with the first couple of months and save the rest. Trust me, the block are selected - this isn't just procrastination. 😎 And this year's theme - EASY but EYE-CATCHING! In addition to being EASY!, we included patterns that will work with a variety of pre-cuts. This is going to be FUN! So, here we go....


I'll bet you didn't know that our September Great Falls Blanket Day falls on National Sew A Jelly Roll Day. Yes.... it is apparently a thing! Seems if we're going to be sewing, we really should roll with the idea (see what I did there???) So our September block will be a jelly roll based pattern... one I am going to call Garden Wall. What you need...

  • 1 Jelly Roll. A Jelly Roll typically has 40 strips 2-1/2" wide. You can, of course, make your own Jelly Roll collection - you don't have to buy a pre-made one. The blocks finish 18" square... to make a quilt with 12 blocks that would finish 54"x72" you might need 3 or 4 additional 2-1/2" strips. This will depend on the true width of fabric your strips (this varies a bit, 40"-42", not only by fabric line but also by fabrics within a line) and what you're able to squeeze out of each one.
  • 1 yard white/neutral background fabric.


We are going to continue with the Jelly Roll theme.... just because.... and do one I'm going to call Don't Fence Me In.
What you need...

  • 1 Jelly Roll
  • 1/2 yard white/neutral background fabric

What else is in store?

One of the changes I'm making this year is that I, personally, am no longer going to be able to deal with the scraps for the dog/cat beds. I think it is a great thing to do with the scraps, and I hope that either someone else will take charge of this for us, or that each of you will create and drop off the beds individually. For me, between the blankets coming in/going out and the supplies I store for you to use, there just isn't more room I can give to this, or time to create/deliver. At some point that may change, but for now I'm going to be hands-off except for the scraps and beds I make myself.

Size Versus Fabric Print

Recently, I found out one of my previous neighbors had passed away. I knew this woman...she was a wonderful, beautiful, feisty gal who liked her beer. Very nearly 100 years old. Her daughter posted a recent photo of her mom - it looked like they were out camping - and when I saw it, the first thing that struck me was she was wrapped up in what I am almost certain is a Project Linus blanket. I recognized the fabric print (it was a baby print fleece) and the woven fringe. So why would a woman nearly 100 years old be given a PL blanket? I can't answer that with any certainty. I know she didn't get it from the Peds ward. I am pretty sure she doesn't have any great-grands that are babies. What I am wondering is if it was that this was a large blanket in a baby print fabric. It was close to teen size - maybe too big for the ER to give to a baby... but not something a teen or older child would want because of the baby print. So they might have given it to someone who was just cold at the time and didn't care what the blanket looked like.

So, let's all be cognizant of the fabric print we're using and the age group to which that print is most appealing, and try to make the blanket a size that best fits that age group.

New Volunteer

We've had a few of our friends move away... but stay in touch... and it means so much to me that they enjoyed this group enough that they want to keep ties!!! 💙  Well, we've added another to our group via long distance. I received the following email a couple weeks ago...

Dear Gina,

I would like to join in the giving of quilts in Helena MT through Project Linus. I have provided an ongoing monthly donation to your chapter through national HQ online.

I wish that I could quilt and donate finished projects to support your efforts. Since I live and work in Japan with our US military, I buy my fabric and supplies online and would end up paying shipping to receive the fabric and supplies and then again to ship quilts. So, I've decided to join in your efforts in another way by sending financial support for your group of quilters.

Montana was my home prior to moving overseas. My husband and I plan to retire in Helena eventually. I have raised my two children in MT. I'd really appreciate hearing about your group's efforts and receive a newletter if you have one.

I look forward to hearing from you.


How wonderful is that?!?!? Through the exchange of emails, and me asking if I could share her story with you, she responded...

Yes, please feel free to let the group know I've joing from afar. Give them all a greeting from Japan, konnichiwa (hello) and kyotsukete (take care).

Do you have regular meetings or get-togethers for sewing time? I sure do wish I had a group with whom I could sew. I miss that being overseas.

I'm so glad to be of help.

I am going to start searching for a way to join people in via the Internet. Facebook live is too one-way, but maybe the phone chat feature would work. I'll be looking into that.

Meantime, Welcome, WELCOME! L___! We are so happy to have you join us!

Mystery Quilt

As many of you know, two years ago, our Project Linus vice president, Mary, designed a mystery quilt as a fund raiser for Project Linus chapters. That first one was the Lukey the Lucky Penguin pattern. Luke was one of Mary's grandsons, a twin, who died suddenly of a heart condition. I memory serves, the whole project was done as the family's annual effort to keep the memory of Luke alive. It was very well received, and many asked for another mystery! So the next year Mary created Gracie's Get Well Garden. Again, a big hit with even more participants. Gracie is another of Mary's grandchildren. Well, the Mystery Quilt has become 'a thing', and it's time for another! This year's will be Exploring the World with Ethan... and, yes, it, too, is named for a grandchild (she has 13!)

All of these Mystery Quilts are fundraisers for local Project Linus chapters. Access to the pattern and clues comes with a $15 donation to Project Linus. If a local chapter is designated on the registration, that chapter get the entire $15. With each event, we've learned things that work, things that don't, and are always looking for ways to make it better. I've encouraged some area quilt shops to participate by perhaps offering a discount for supplies with Proof of Registration (you are emailed a receipt.) I have't heard back from anyone on that. Anyway...Registration will open August 21, with clue delivery starting in September. Those who finish the quilt by a deadline (don't know this date yet) are then encourage to enter it for prizes. This has become a very fun event, and while the quilts don't have to be donated to Project Linus, many have been and they're always adorable! I hope you'll join us this year!

For more information, go to

I believe I am going to stop here. There's much to do, and the days are getting shorter already. I hope you're looking forward to our coming blanket making season! I'm certainly looking forward to seeing all of you again!

Until September...

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I'm in a Summer State of Mind.....

Hello and, wow, Happy July, everyone!

Yes, it's mid-summer already! It was staying cool for so long I was wondering if we were going to see summer. Then I went to Phoenix for a couple of weeks and definitely found 'summer' there.... or the gateway to Hell... at 118 degrees, it's hard to tell the difference. So I come home looking for those cooler breezes only to have the heat follow me. Drat.

It was late August of last year when last I posted on the blog. Wow, again. I really wish I could rein time in a bit... slow it down. Instead, I just hang on and try to keep up with the ride!

So... what's new???

Blocks of the month
I'm hoping to do something a little different this year for our block of the month. Rather than Cindy or I (and previously Marsha) coming up with the different blocks, making the samples, then teaching the patterns to the group, I am hoping to have some of you take on a block. I mentioned this to the Great Falls group last spring, but anyone in either group is welcome. Doris H has already volunteered, and will be doing our block in November. We need 6 more volunteers! Once you tell me what you want to do, I will write and print up the patterns. You will make the sample and teach the block. So.... who's in???

For me, this summer has been an especially busy on for Project Linus. No conference this year, but there have been some fabric donations and purchases to get us going come fall. All that on top of making deliveries! So my down time from blanket days is certainly not down time! On the really hot days, I've been spending some time downstairs trying to get some things organized, other things ready for our blanket days. Basement is still utter chaos...but I can see some progress.

Blanket Clean-up
A huge Thank You! to everyone for taking a little extra time to do a final clean up on your blankets before you donate them. From stray threads, to pins, to the occasional pet hair.... it's all been incredibly minimal the last few months, and I am able to prep the blankets for delivery in a fraction of the time! That's huge for me!!! I truly appreciated your efforts!!!

Marking Quilts
You might remember me mentioning issues with Frixion Pens after meeting a quilter at the Helena Art Walk last fall. I tripped over another write-up on the issues. It says many of the same things I shared, but there are a few additional points as well. You can read it at...

Project Linus Mystery Quilt Challenge
You might remember me telling you that Mary B, our PL VP, is the one creating the Project Linus Mystery Quilt Challenge. You might remember me mentioning that they are named for her grandkids... and she had a lot of grandkids already, but just added two more in the last few weeks! I think this is a total of 13 now!!! Well, it's time to honor another grandkid with the 2017 Project Linus Mystery Quilt Challenge! This one is named after Ethan, and not knowing anything other than what the photo is implying, I am already excited! Registration for the PLMQC will start in August, with clue release starting in September. I believe the registration fee will again be $15, and if you designate the Great Falls & Helena, MT Chapter on your registration, the entire fee will be donated to our chapter. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, and the blanket does not have to be donated to Project Linus, but we've gotten some great ones from the first two challenges! Be sure to 'like' the PLMQC Facebook page...  ... and tell all your friends and family about this fun adventure!!!
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Okay... that's all for now. I look forward to hearing from all those who are willing to help with the block of the month. Please send me a note ASAP with your idea and we'll find a time to fit it in...

Thanks, everyone! I truly do appreciate all you do, all you contribute to Project Linus! You're all the best!!!!