Can it really be the end of August?!?!?!? Our Helena Blanket Bees start in less than 2 weeks, the one in Great Falls in less than 3 weeks! I am busy trying to get things ready for all that!
What else is going on??? I'm glad you asked! It's time to register for the Project Linus Mystery Quilt Challenge! This year's challenge is Gracie's Get-Well Garden, and I get the feeling it will be an owl theme! ;) Clue release will start September 10. This promises to be another fun, child-sized quilt!

Some of the questions I've already been asked.....
- Cost is $15... plus forty-some cents in change to cover the credit card fees.
- Clues will be released over a 6 to 8 week period, each should be released on Saturday mornings.
- Instructions will be detailed, and techniques used will allow quilters of all levels to participate. Don't let your new-ness to quilting keep you from joining in the fun!
- No, you do not have to finish the quilt in a specific amount of time, unless you want to enter it in the contest to win some of the big prizes! You can download the clues and save them and complete the quilt as quickly as you can, or as slowly as I might.....
- No, you do not have to donate the quilt to Project Linus. You can give it to someone you know, or keep it for yourself, or donate it to Project Linus - that is your choice!
- No, you can't share your entry with another. Due to copyright laws, you cannot post or share any specific details about the challenge's weekly clues (yardage, fabrics, instructions, cutting, etc.). However, there is a Facebook page dedicated to the Mystery Challenge and there is lots of sharing of progress on that page! Fun! Fun! Fun!
- Yes, this is a fundraiser for Project Linus, and our chapter gets the entire registration fee if you put that on your registration form. There is a question on the registration where you should enter the GREAT FALLS/HELENA, MT CHAPTER. Again, each entry is $15.
You can find more information and complete the registration on the PL National Website... http://www.
I know a few of us have already signed up... I hope more will join us! And feel free to share this info with all your quilting friends!
Thanks, and see you all very soon!!!!
Kindness always