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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Who doesn't love a good mystery?!

Wow. Two blog posts in one weekend! I think that's a record for me.

I know you are busy finishing up some blankets - thank you all SO MUCH for the overwhelming response! I also know many of you, maybe most of you, don't follow our chapter or national PL through Facebook or the Blanket Beacon. I further know we have a lot of quilters who are always looking for a fun idea. In that light I am sharing the news that the Project Linus Mystery Quilt Challenge fundraiser has officially started! Registration opened a couple of days ago and will be open throughout the challenge. Once you register, you will have access to the current as well as all the previously released other words, you won't miss anything if you register after the start.

The challenge will be a great learning experience for many who classify themselves as a "quilter wanna-be" as detailed instructions and tips will be provided with each clue. The contest will be even more fun for those who use their creativity with the pattern and enter their masterpiece! 

As this is a fundraiser, there is a $15 fee ($15.45 with the fee for paying with a credit card.) When you register, remember to list the Great Falls, MT Chapter on your registration form so the $15 will come to our chapter.

Now, some may remember we were planning to do a Quilt Challenge fundraiser ourselves, and I was planning to start that on our February Bee day as that is National Make a Blanket Day. Well, as the saying goes, great minds think alike. I wasn't aware HQ was planning to do this, and especially with the same timing. It would be too much to have two going at the same time so our local challenge will kick-off later in the spring.

For those interested in participating in Lukey, the Lucky Penguin Mystery Quilt Challenge, please go to this website for more information and to register... Clue #1 has been released! I hope many of you will participate just so I can see all the fun quilts that you create!

Hugs and Blessings


Saturday, February 7, 2015

It's gone viral!

The winter, that is....

Good morning everyone!

As I'm sure you've heard in the news, and from friends and neighbors, this year has been a bad season for colds, flu, and viruses. I took a typical month (or so) supply to Helena January 15, and they were mostly gone by February 1. Havre is out of blankets as well. I've gotten more to Helena, and am about done getting more ready for Great Falls - I haven't heard from them, but they're probably going through them as quickly as everyone else. I'm trying to find a way to get some to Havre in the next few days.

So.....our supplies are dwindled! If you have any in the works that you might be able to get done before our next blanket day - that would be fantastic! I'm sure these facilities aren't done with winter yet, even though my trees are (at least one is leafing out already!)

Thanks for all you do - as these requests show, it means so much to so many!!!