I hope you have been enjoying our break from winter! I know it won't last for long, but it sure has been nice to de-ice the streets and go around without a coat for a couple of days!
Quiltmaker Magazine Project Linus Patterns
For those who were at our Blanket Bee in Great Falls, you may remember Mary's quilt with the boats, a pattern from Quiltmaker Magazine. I said I would send out a link to those patterns and..... Ta Da! I didn't forget. Quiltmaker started their Project Linus series of patterns back in 2000, so there are 16 different ideas on the page! Over the years, I've done a sample of several of these at the PL Conference. Most, maybe all, are paper-pieced. I love paper-piecing, myself, so I find these fun. If you've never done paper-piecing and want some help, I'm sure you can find some at our blanket days! The page with a link to all the different patterns is found at .. http://www.quiltmaker.com/patterns/projectlinus.htmlSupplies for February Quilt Block
It may take a bit of time to gather your fabric supplies for our February quilt block, so I want to give you a head start. The block/pattern will be Bali Love Song. This is a simple pattern and is done with 2 1/2" strips. You will need 13 sets of 2 contrasting fabrics - these sets can be all the same or all different - I would lean toward all different. You will want a light fabric and a dark fabric in the set - you're looking for contrast. The pattern calls for width of fabric strips, but you will cut these down to smaller pieces. As long as you can cut two pieces each that are 2 1/2", 4 1/2", 6 1/2" and one 8 1/2" long, from each fabric, you'll be fine. You'll also want some additional strips, up to 14, for the border design. You'll also want about 1 yard of a neutral for the background.March Quilt Block - Crazy Eights
As the name suggests, this block will be divided into 8 equal angles. If you remember your geometry, that means that your angle will be 45 degrees. If you have a 45 degree template, or were thinking of buying one, this would be a great time! I will make some cardboard templates, but this will be much easier to do if you have a more sturdy angle.Build a Block, Build a Quilt
In case you don't know, Project Linus is launching a "Build a Block, Build a Quilt" Mystery Challenge followed by a contest on Feb 8th with GREAT prizes! I would like to invite you, and all your friends and family, to participate. The challenge officially launches on February 8th and registration will be open on the national Project Linus website, projectlinus.org, at that time. If you choose to participate, be sure to designate the Great Falls Chapter as the recipient of the $15 participation donation. I'll share more details I learn them!
I think that's all for now. If I've missed something, just let me know!
Until February!