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Sunday, December 28, 2014


Hello everyone and happy snowy morning!

Well, as I typically do, I spent some time the few days before Christmas getting some blanket deliveries done. I had prepared a bunch for the NICU, and some bigger ones, and some holiday ones, for Haven of Hope (women and children shelter) and Benefis Pediatrics. With the number I usually give to the shelter, I thought there would be plenty to cover both facilities. There wasn't. There are usually 9-18 kids there... this year, 29. So I gave them all they needed, which left mostly just little ones for the Peds. I came home, got some more ready to go, and took those out very early the next morning - Christmas Eve.

After entering these in the system, our preliminary total of blankets delivered for the year is 1314!!! That's over 100 more than my goal of 1200 - 100 per month!!!

So, how about you - did you make it through the holidays? Did all those gifts get done? It was very busy...crazy busy.... for me getting ready for the day - especially the last 4 to 6 weeks, but the day itself was quiet. I even found time to take a several mile walk.... a perfect day for that!

Now, we're on the cusp of a new year. What will be our goal this time? Same amount - 100 per month? Push it up some? I haven't decided what I think would be best - what do you think?

Moose Looking for a Raffle Quilt

I was asked recently if we could help out the Moose in creating a quilt for them to raffle as a fund-raiser at their next state conference. We cannot give them a quilt donated to Project Linus, but if you have one you would like to donate to them for this purpose, that would be very generous! Let me know soon!

Quilting in Thirds

In December, Mary mentioned her technique of quilting in thirds, and brought in a handout that describes this. I did a google search and found a few different mentions of the technique, along with lots of other good ideas! Those links are below. If you're interested, you might also google 'quilt as you go techniques' - I'm sure there is a wealth of ideas there as well!

Fabric Donations

Both Big Sky Quilts and Bernina Silver Thimble have given generous donations of several bolts of fabric in the last few weeks. If you've purchased any fabric in the last year, you know the value of these donations! Please thank them next time you are in their shops!

... Resolutions

And if that sign isn't enough, the reading on my scale is. As I do most every year, I let myself enjoy the 'treats' of the holidays a little more than I probably should have. Time to rein in the splurging and get back to healthier habits. 2015 will be the 5th year of the Moving Forward Mary-thon. I've done this every year - twice. That's at least 50 weeks of making sure I did at least a little exercise 5 days a week. I don't know why this works for me, I just know it does, so I will be doing it again this year.

As you may remember, Mary is the PL national VP, and founder of the Mary-thon. She started exercising to bring her own health to better levels. If you've looked into this before, there are some changes to the 2015 Mary-thon. I've put some of the frequently asked questions from below.

There is a registration fee, and part of that goes to Project Linus. Please designate our chapter as the recipient when you register.

A Mary-thon is a 26 WEEK fitness program where YOU set a fitness goal, YOU decide what type of exercise(s) you are ABLE to do, YOU commit to exercise throughout the 26 weeks and I (Mary) provide you with the inspiration, motivation and applause along the way. You are given 30 weeks to complete your 26 week commitment.

Not exactly…Although both are fitness events, a Marathon is a 26.2 mile long distance foot race and the Mary-thon is a 26 WEEK fitness program. A Marathon is usually an event that involves running, but you do NOT need to be a runner in order to be a Mary-thoner. 

We have decided to give you 30 weeks to complete your 26 week program. Because of this, there will be no re-starts! When you start, you exercise regularly and then you finish! There will be three start dates - you decide which "corral" best fits your 2015 schedule. The dates are: January 4 (finished by July 2), April 5 (finished by October 1), or May 31 (finished by Dec 26). If you need to change your corral for any reason, you must notify Mary at and mail in a $10 check to

Moving Forward Mary-thon c/o Mary Balagna
730 Stevens Creek Blvd
Forsyth, IL 62535

In a marathon, you are assigned a corral based on your projected finish time. Here at the Moving Forward Mary-thon you can choose your corral based on your schedule. You will have the same starting date as everyone else in your chosen corral. As you progress, you will receive incentives for completion.

*Finish 6 weeks and you will earn your "Rookie" status and receive a downloadable certificate.

*Finish 13 weeks and you will earn your "Semi-Pro" status and receive a Mary-thon reflector head/arm band or headband (your choice).

*Finish 19 weeks and you will earn your "Pro" Status and receive an official Mary-thon drawstring "sports pack".

*Finish your 26 weeks and you will receive your beautiful 2015 Finishers Medal and your name will be listed on the website as a 2015 Mary-thon finisher!

If you miss too many weeks of working out in your corral and there is a corral that hasn't started yet, you can mail in a $10 check to join the new corral. However, you will not receive two of the same incentives for completed weeks. For example, if you start with Corral 1 and make it to "Semi-Pro Status" and then quit, you may start with Corral 3, but no awards will be given until you reach the "Pro" Status. 

You DO need to commit to regular exercise for 26 weeks with the following guidelines:

Regular exercise means 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week (for the Full Mary-thon) or 3 days per week (for the Half Mary-thon) for 26 weeks.
  • You design your own personal workout by selecting the exercises that best suit your abilities, health and physical endurance. **Be sure to check with your physician BEFORE beginning any fitness program, including the Mary-thon!
  • Walking, running, weight lifting, elipitcal, yoga, Zumba, stair stepping, swimming, etc. are just a few of the many ways you may want to try.
  • The Moving Forward Mary-thon™ Workbook also contains several GREAT workouts with three levels of intensity – Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced if you need some suggestions. The best part is that if you cannot exercise for 30 minutes straight, you are allowed to break up your workout into manageable increments (5-10 minutes each) as you build your endurance, energy level and strength.
  • You MUST report your progress to Mary along the way. It’s the Honor System! You are welcome to e-mail Mary ( as often as you like with your questions, concerns, successes, and progress. You MUST report in quarterly (Week #6, #13, #19 AND when you finish) in order to receive your incentives as well as your finishers medal.
The Corral start dates are January 4, October 1, or May 31. Choose the one that works best with your 2015 schedule.
Working together supporting each other, being accountable to someone (YOU and Mary), making a financial commitment, signing a pledge, and being rewarded a beautiful finisher's medal for completing our goal is why the Mary-thon is successful! You will be stronger and more physically fit as a result of 26 weeks of regular exercise AND you will be supporting a charity through your participation!

More Ways to Help Project Linus

For those who love Christmas music, Mary's son, Alex, made his first CD just before the holidays. Yeah, I know it would have been nice if you'd know about this a month ago - my apologies - reread paragraph 3. I haven't had a chance to order one for myself yet, but will this weekend. You can find info on this at his website It is nine beautiful traditional Christmas songs performed with Alex's unique style. Alex will be donating a portion of his sales to Project Linus and to SADS (Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome) and he has a very important reason as he has been touched by both of these organizations in a very personal way.
As a bonus, order the CD and you can get a free quilt pattern, Stars of Wonder, designed by Mary for Alex! Mary designed and completed this quilt as a gift for Alex in celebration of his new record. You can receive a free copy of Mary's Stars of Wonder quilt pattern with your purchase of Joy of Christmas when purchased through Alex's website. Just email a copy of your receipt to Mary at and your pattern will be on it's way!

Also, Project Linus came out with our first ever Limited Edition Project Linus ornament - again, my apologies for the late notice, again, paragraph 3. Antique silver in color, it comes with a white/silver corded string perfect for hanging on your Christmas tree. Features a beautiful black velveteen draw string pouch ideal for giving to that special someone in your life.  Whether you purchase for your own tree, or as a gift, you'll also be helping bring comfort and security to children in need.  Find it at the Project Linus Store.

Project Linus Ornament

And Finally...

A Very Special Thank-You
To: All the wonderful people of Linus

Dear Linus,

Words cannot possibly express the phenomena that occurred last Thursday here at Butteville Elementary school. To say that our students loved the gift of your beautiful quilts and blankets would be an understatement. I know that for those of you who were part of this, I need not explain. The kids literally lit up when they were given their quilt. They instantly wrapped themselves in the warmth of both the fabric and the gift itself. We heard the same from parents who received both child and blanket when they arrived at home. Kids stayed wrapped up from the moment they got home until they went to bed!

We know that many of our students were distraught over the recent fire and the incredible loss faced by family and friends. Your decision to give every child a quilt was indeed generous but also met a huge psychological need. It was truly amazing. Again, thank you, to all of you at Linus for this astounding gift!

Todd Clark ~ Principal/Superintendent
Butteville Elementary School
I think that's all for now... and my computer is acting up. As always Thank You ALL for everything you do! You are the best!
With best wishes for a Happy New Year...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Blanket Bee Block

Hello everyone, and Merry November!

You may recall from the blog post that listed the quilt blocks for each month that November was going to be '90-Minute Mix-up'. The 90 minute quilt was one of our first 'kits' and got a lot of use. It is a standard 5 x 7 block layout. It is a quilt as you go method, though most don't do the quilting that way.

One day, Sharon Gale showed up with one, but she had gotten tired of just looking a the 35 squares, so she added in some pinwheels for some of the blocks. Very clever! Thinking outside the box gave the quilt an entirely different, and fun, look!

So, that's the 'Mix-up' part of this month's block - take your 35 standard squares (and these can be any size even though I said 9 inch squares in the blog post), but somehow change some of the blocks to make a look that's snazzier than a standard 90-Minute! This will be an exercise in creativity! What you do with the blocks you mix-up is entirely up to you!

Look at the photo in the August (or September?) blog post of a typical 90-Minute to remind you of the standard look. Part of me wants to offer suggestions on things you could do, but I'm going to resist... I'm going to leave that entirely up to you!

Can't wait to see the results of everyone's ideas!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy October!

Good morning, everyone!

It is October already, and the autumn colors are coming on! Fall is truly my favorite season!!!

October Blanket Bee Quilt Block

As mentioned before, our quilt block for October will be X Marks the Spot.
For one 12 1/2" block you will need...
  • 4 - 6 1/2" squares of print fabric
  • 8 - 4" squares of white fabric
  • 4 - 3" squares of a solid colored fabric
  • 4 - 3" squares of a coordinating colored fabric
I have some white fabric we can use if you don't have any... I will try to find some time to cut some squares before our blanket day to get us started.

A Thank You Note from Weed, California

I'm sure you all heard about the fires in California, Oregon, and Washington over the past couple of months. They were the cause of most of our smoky summer skies. One fire in California, the Boles Fire, burned much of the town of Weed. There is much more to the story that can be found here, but in the end, the coordinator nearest there was asking for 850 blankets to give to all the school kids in that town. We helped her meet that goal. A 'Thank You' note was sent by a parent of a couple of the kids....
I am a parent of two children that attend Weed Elementary school and who were evacuated during the Bole...s Fire. When they came home bursting with smiles and showing me their two BEAUTIFUL quilts they received from Project Linus I was shocked! "Every child received one?" I said..."Yes, we all picked out one," they said. After reading the inscription tag included I was moved to tears. I had never known about Project Linus before and just want to say it was one of the sweetest, generous gestures. You gave all of these children a wonderful gift.....the gift of comfort. My daughter loves decorating with it and my son is attached to it somewhat like Linus and has slept with it every night so far. They shared stories of the other children so excited to pick out a special blanket made just for them, many of which lost all they had in the fire. They were so excited about them all made so special with children in mind. Those children may never forget that frightening afternoon in September but they will also never forget the love and generosity of others! Its been overwhelming! I hold them each a little tighter and thank God for all their safety! Please pass on a huge THANK YOU to fellow blanketeers. ..their gift meant more than they know :):).........
And just in case you were wondering, the name of the town comes from the name of the man who founded it, not the other weed California is known for....  :)

That's all for this morning! See everyone in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Seriously... where did the summer go???

Hi everyone!
Well, I've been spending hours canning corn, picking pumpkins, and generally cleaning out the garden in anticipation of cold temperatures and even the possibility of snow the next couple of days. It feels like summer was barely a month long!

Well, no matter ... it's September, and it's time to get rolling again! Marsha, Cindy and I had a chance to visit and select some block ideas for our quilters. We decided to stick with 2 1/2 inch strips and 9 inch squares as much as possible. Here's the plan for now.....

September - Stitch and Flip Quilt
This is a quick and easy top that will ease us back into creative mode.
Requirements are simple...
    30  2 1/2" strips x WOF (width of fabric)
    1/2 yard background fabric

October - X Marks the Spot
  • For one 12 1/2" block you will need...
  • 4 - 6 1/2" squares of print fabric
  • 8 - 4" squares of white fabric
  • 4 - 3" squares of a solid colored fabric
  • 4 - 3" squares of a coordinating colored fabric

November - 90-Minute Mix-up
This was one of our first quilt tops! For this you will need...
   35 9" squares - but there's going to be more to this than just that...more on that later! :o)

 December - Snowballs and Checkers
 For this quilt you will need
      35 9" squares of print fabric
      70 2 1/2" squares white fabric
      70 2 1/2" squares black fabric

 January - Stack and  Whack
For this fun top you will need...
   25 9"x9" squares (stacking material)
   1/2 yard inner border
   1 yard outer border

February - Bali Love Song
This fun quilt requires...
   40 2 1/2/' inch strips x WOF (width of fabric)
   1 yard background fabric

March - Crazy Eighths
For this block, pull together...
   Several 2 1/2"s trips of 4 different but coordinating fabrics. Photo to come later

April - Disappearing Pinwheel 3 and 4
For each block you will need
   1 9" (or 10") square print fabric
   1 9" (or 10") coordinating background fabric

May - Finish and/or get help with any previous projects and organize our supplies.

We have some fun fleece for those who like working the fringe or crocheting the edge, and we've had a few donations of yarn!

So I think we're set to get started! Pull together your supplies and all those quilts you created over the summer. I can't wait to see everyone again!
gina :o)