Happy Fall Y'all!
We had just a wonderful blanket day in Great Falls yesterday! I so enjoyed seeing all our old friends again... and seeing some new faces as well made it even better! I brought back four BIG bags of blankets, and about half are labeled and tagged already! Thanks to Donna, Virginia and Nellie in getting this done!
The icing on the cake for the day???? Marsha got to sew all day! No, that was good but not the icing. The icing was that Cindy found the missing rotary cutter!!! And it had some friends with it!!!!!!! Yes, after most had left, Marsha and Cindy were reorganizing the closest, consolidating tote contents, etc. Cindy was going through a tote with some fleece that was sitting up on the high shelf and there they were, all cozy and content in a Ziploc bag! So, Yay! I was planning to buy some more anyways, but this takes a bit of the pressure off and now I can wait for a really good sale. I was so excited!
This was our first day with everyone bringing their own fabric cuts, and I didn't really see any big problems. I did hesitate to give the full cutting instructions - I held back the last step on cutting the strips into 8" pieces. I was trying to avoid confusion and having people show up with pieces that wouldn't work. So, in the end, there were some who spent more time cutting than they probably wanted to. I'll put the full instructions out from this point forward and try to make sure the instructions are as clear as possible so everyone has the correct pieces and gets to spend all day sewing. Next month's is easy.... 10" squares. And you could even do it with squares smaller or bigger than 10"....they all just have to be the same size. I've seen one done with smaller squares 'checkerboarded' with neutral blocks - very nice in the end. You'll need at least 30 10" squares (or other size) for a smaller quilt. If you want to make a bigger quilt, each additional block takes 5 squares.
I was more than a little sad to learn that Sharon F will be leaving our group - she and her husband are moving back to Ohio. I've so enjoyed seeing Sharon grow in her quilting...she was one who showed up wanting to help but didn't think she could quilt...and she's made some that are just beautiful! We'll miss you Sharon, and hope you join up with the chapter there....they will be so blessed to have your talents helping them!
Our friends in Helena got together at Maureen's house...I know they had a good time... they always do when they get together! I would love to hear some details from them on what we missed!
Becky took a lot of photos during Show & Tell. She is going to try to post them to our Facebook page as an album.... hopefully we'll be able to get this done in the next couple of days.
So we're off and rolling, and I think we're off to a really good start!
I can't wait to do it all again next month!