Hi everyone and Happy National Make a Blanket Day!
National Make A Blanket Day Event
This is the first year I haven't done something on NMABD...and looking out my window, I am glad it turned out that way. Really, I didn't want to take on a bunch of different things at the same time again... it just gets too overwhelming. So once the Community Day sale is done (next Saturday - February 26!), I'll turn my attention toward that. I was thinking about something like an open house. I've thought about doing it someplace like the mall...I just need to find out what it would take to do that. Where ever we do it, I'm thinking of having our "regulars" doing demos of different blanket making techniques, maybe an area where kids could color some quilt squares. I'm always looking for ideas! Let me know if you have any.
Blanket Bee Days
It's come up a few times this year about the possibility of changing the day of one Blanket Bee or another because of other events being on the same weekend. This was an issue I had last year, but when I asked if anyone wanted to change the weekend, I didn't get much response, so I left it as it was/is. Anyway, I've given this all some thought and have decided that we will not be changing the day of the Bee because of conflicting events. I spend a lot of time advertising that we meet the second Saturday at the Moose Lodge September through May, and I would hate for anyone to show up just to find no one there. So, that's when we'll be there. I do plan to change to a different weekend next year, but we will continue through May on the second Saturday at the Moose Lodge.
Speaking of Blanket Bee days, we have one scheduled for The Sewing Palace Bernina on Sunday, March 20 for our Helena friends!
Make a Blanket Night!
Marsha had her church LOGOS group making PL blankets last Wednesday and I was able to join them for the event. What fun - it was pajama night! So many kids with so much energy! They finished over 30 double fleece blankets!! And three cheers for Marsha for having all the fleece ready for them! The pieces were all paired, pinned together, and the fringe and holes cut. She had 39 ready to go. What a huge chore! They are all wonderful and will be a welcome gift to the kids that receive them.
Thank You Note
And speaking of the kids that receive them, a wonderful Thank You showed up in the mail today...
The card has print that reads...
One day (March 29th 2010 to be exact) one baby weighing one pound won the hearts of one million peopole. E., our tiny miracle boy started an enormous movement of kindness and generosity. Thank you for everything you did, it did not go unnoticed (even though it took months to get these notes out) E .weighs over 12 pounds, no longer requires oxygen (yay!) has grown a wee bit of hair for the winter, loves to scoot around on his back, smile, squeal and giggle, Life is good. Our world is not full of just a few good people; it's full of all the BEST! Thank you for being one of them. Thank you so very much
Then hand written...
Project Linus, Thank you so much for the gorgeous blanket. E. will enjoy it for many years to come. Thanks again! Love, J,L and E.
And I thank you for everything too!
Stay warm!